Joshku Charity Bike Ride

Joshku Charity Bike Ride

joshkuJoshku is taking the challenge of completing a 50 mile bike ride over 2 days in December, in aid of Karmiel Children’s Village in Israel.

As he approaches his Bar Mitzvah in February he wants to help other children who are his age but who are not as lucky as he is. Children who don’t have a loving family to support their Bar and Bat Mitzvah studies, to pay for a big party and to give them lots of nice presents.

His family’s involvement with children’s charities has inspired him to find out more about Karmiel Children’s Village in the North of Israel and to get involved in helping to support the children there who are also coming up for their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.

Karmiel Children’s Village provides a loving family environment for around 275 children and youth between the ages of 5-18. Around 25% are orphans and the rest come from broken homes caused by divorce, violence, crime, drugs, alcohol, sexual and/or physical abuse and difficult financial situations.

Joshku wants the 24 children who are having their Bar and Bat Mitzvah’s at the same time as him, to feel special and know that they are loved and there are people who care about them in the world and so he is going to personally visit the Village in April to attend their joint Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremony.

Please give generously and help him give these children a day they will remember for life,  by clicking on this link: